Sawmill | Carolyn Andres | Colorado |

Pretty in Pink Peonies | Gail Austin | Colorado |

Happy Dance | Deb Babcock | Colorado |

Bursting Beauty XIII | Virginia
Blackstock | CO |

Camouflage Rooster | Mary Bollig | CO |
Brabec-King_Cindy_Happily Ever Laughter-300x220.jpg)
Happily Ever Laughter | Cindy Brabec-King
Best Colorado Artist
Given by Alpine Bank | Colorado |

High Country Autumn
| Jodine Broscovak | Colorado |

Allegria | Ken Call
Best of Show
Given by WCWS | Illinois |

Garlic Ole! | Judi Coffey | Texas |

Star Gazer | Marti Cyrus | CO |

Snow Queen | Michael Davis | Colorado |

Return To Pleasant Valley | Mary Pat Ettinger | Colorado |

Barn on Hwy 133 | Diane
Fechenbach | Colorado |

Winter Tree | Z.L Feng
2nd Place
Given by Renae Coffman | Virginia |

Blossom Where You Are Planted | Carolyn Fields | Colorado |

Alpine Splendor | Jane Fritz | New Mexico |

Palmistree | Jean K. Gill
Sally Thompson Award
| Virginia |

Capitulate | Janis Goldblatt | Colorado |

Valley Sunrise | Jera Gross | CO |
Magnolia is blooming | Tatsiana
3rd place
Given by WCWS | Nevada |

Sunwashed Magnolia | Pam Harp | Colorado |

Dancing in the Light | R Joyce Helm | CO |

Boat of the Day | Catherine Hillis | Georgia |

Alta Vista | Fred Honchell | CO |

Kodak | Carol Hubbard | CT |

Every Rose | Lance Hunter | Oklahoma |

Mr Rainbow | Sharon Hutchings | Colorado |

Early_Morning_Chill | Laurie Jones | Colorado |

Cosmic Connection | Fay Kahn | WA |

Eatonville Farmstead | Ron Kasprisin | Washington |

Caffe del Borgo | Shirley R. Kleppe | Arizona |

Another Grape Painting | Chris Krupinski
1st. Place
Quality Inn, WCWS | Ohio |

Beautiful Blooms | Kathleen Lanzoni
Framing Award
Mattes & More | Colorado |

Enticing Island | Nancy Lewis | Colorado |

Under the Deck | Susan Marion | Colorado |

Reach for the Sky | Nancy Martin
Holbien Art Materials | CO |

Late Sun on Lake Elkhorn | Donald Maurer | Colorado |

Amaryllis | Stephanie
McConaughy | Colorado |

Barn at Sunset | BJ McKinney | Colorado |

Karley's Happy Place | Linda Mesaric | CO |

Iris | Judy Milne | Colorado |

Steve's Loop | Roger Milway | CO |

Market Day | Joye Moon | Wisconsin |

Metamorphosis | Roxanne Morris | Colorado |

Secluded | Ann Pember
M. Graham Art Supplies | New York |
Updated Technology | Stephanie Rody
Delta Fine Arts Award | Colorado |

Forest Journey | Gayle Rupp | CO |

Simply Red | Sheila Stilin | Florida |

October Snow | Diane Stolz | Missouri |

Destiny Awaits | Annie Strack | Pennsylvania |

South Platte | Susan Thiele | Colorado |

Jump Big Boy! | Dani Tupper | CO |

Uncompahgre Vista | Nancy Warnock | Colorado |

Danseuse | Sheryl Williams
Glenwood Springs Art Guild | CO |

The Far Side | Val Wright | Florida |

Whistle Maker | Gene Youngmann | Colorado |
Thank You for
Viewing the Show | Thank You for
Viewing the Show | Thank You for
Viewing the Show |